On March 22nd, Francesca Romana Memoli, Director & founder of Accademia Italiana, presented an interactive seminar on the treasures of Campania region and the activity of promotion of the Italian language and culture in Salerno.
Discussions on music, theater and traditional stories of Campania energized the audience and peaked the curiosity about Italian Programs in the South.
Discussions on music, theater and traditional stories of Campania energized the audience and peaked the curiosity about Italian Programs in the South.
Dr. Memoli stated: “ It was a great pleasure to see how much the Italian culture is appreciated worldwide and in particular in United States. The audience was so curious about the history and art of the Southern Italy and the programs we offer”.
Sara, one lucky individual student from the prestigious Conservatory of Boston received a full scholarship for a 2-week Italian Course at Accademia Italiana in Italy. Another scholarship was awarded to a university Teacher of Italian, Teresa, who will join one of training courses for Teachers in Salerno. A special thanks goes to the General Consule of Italy in Boston Nicola De Santis (from Salerno) that hosted and promoted the event, and the Director of the Education Office at the Italian Consulate Domenico Tekker.
Sara, one lucky individual student from the prestigious Conservatory of Boston received a full scholarship for a 2-week Italian Course at Accademia Italiana in Italy. Another scholarship was awarded to a university Teacher of Italian, Teresa, who will join one of training courses for Teachers in Salerno. A special thanks goes to the General Consule of Italy in Boston Nicola De Santis (from Salerno) that hosted and promoted the event, and the Director of the Education Office at the Italian Consulate Domenico Tekker.
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Director and Founder of Accademia Italiana Francesca Romana Memoli with a group of teachers at the italian consulate in Boston |
22 marzo, Francesca Romana Memoli, direttrice e fondatrice di Accademia
Italiana, ha tenuto un coinvolgente seminario sui tesori del Sud Italia e
sull’attività di promozione della lingua italiana a Salerno, presso il
Consolato d'Italia a Boston.
dr. Memoli ha presentato la storia, la musica le tradizioni della Campania ad
un selezionato pubblico di insegnanti, cultori e amanti dell’Italia.
stato come sempre un grande piacere constatare quanto la nostra cultura sia
particolarmente apprezzata e amata negli Stati Uniti. Il pubblico ha mostrato
grande curiosità per la storia e l'arte del sud Italia e per i nostri programmi
di lingua e cultura a Salerno".
termine della presentazione, sono state assegnate due borse di studio: la prima
è andata a Sara, studentessa del prestigioso Conservatorio di Boston , che avrà
la possibilità di studiare per 2 settimane presso l’Accademia Italiana; la
seconda all’insegnante di università Teresa, che parteciperà ad uno dei nostri
prossimi corsi di formazione per docenti di italiano L2 / LS a Salerno.
ringraziamento speciale va a Nicola De Santis Console Generale d’Italia a
Boston (salernitano) e a Domenico Tekker direttore dell’ufficio scolastico del
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